Tuesday 16 June 2009

The Purpose of Relationships

I've been re-reading Neale Donald Walsch's book called "Tomorrow's God" and it has a great chapter on relationships. It says the purpose of a relationship is to create joy and happiness, completion and fulfilment, through the sharing of life with another. The emphasis is that it is not to get anything but to creating something. And it is not about fulfilling each other's needs.

Easier said than done! However I understand that I can't expect to have my needs met by someone else. I have to find a way of meeting those needs within myself. Similarly if I can't love myself, how can I be expected to love someone else?

I have been exploring open relationships and am of the opinion that most people misunderstand their purpose and what they are. I was one of those until I tried it and discovered that, with awareness, it is possible to journey through the jungle without getting too bruised. Again Tomorrow's God helped by saying she has no judgement and it is about what works where all parties have free will to choose the kind of relationship that each person wishes to experience. Transparency, clarity and clear communication also help. My conclusion is to tread carefully and follow guidance from the heart. In our 3D reality it's all a game and life/relationships present a fabulous reflection of who we are and are choosing to be. I keep reminding myself "I'm making it all up" so I might as well create a good story with a happy ending.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting perspective, Mr. Wizard...I too, have similar feelings in this regard, and have tread carefully a time or two through the potential mine-field it entails. Whilst it is one's own experience, of course, the care and nurturing of another - and how they define an open relationship can be quite different; sometimes they don't even have awareness of the definition another attaches to it. It's a heart-to-heart connection that speaks to deep communications before other parts are connected :-)
