Saturday 6 June 2009

Beyond Belief

Many years ago I was with a friend sharing some information related to spirituality. He couldn't make up his mind whether what I'd said was true so he asked me how I had come to that particular belief. I replied it was nothing to do with belief, "I just knew". In retrospect it sounds a bit arrogant however I went on to explain what I meant.

This knowingness is something deeper than the mind and literally goes to the heart of the matter. Deep within my beingness or consciousness is a place that simply knows. When I am completely aware of the present moment, and am friends with it, then I feel connected to all that is and a deeper truth is accessible.

In this age of information overload I thank God I don't need to work out what is true and what isn't. Sometimes I use gut instinct and feelings as pointers to the truth. I used to listen to people through the filter of my mind but now I listen with my whole being. In this way I am less likely to get caught up in mind games. For example a politician, salesman or professor may seem very convincing and through reasoned argument can draw certain conclusions. How am I to know if what they are saying is true? Without judging, in a state of inner stillness, while listening to the other person I feel connected with them and in that moment I "know" what is true for me.

It is helpful to be conscious and aware as much as possible. In this way we can discern the truth and not allow ourselves to be manipulated into believing something that doesn't serve our highest good. As we clear ourselves of blocks and increase our vibration then we emanate a light which touches those around us so they too become more aware. In this way we are helping each other go beyond belief into knowingness.

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