Thursday 1 July 2010

Travelling with God

Many people must be curious about what it’s like to travel with a “Sat Guru” or the Divine Mother of the Universe. Well, it’s beyond words so perhaps I can’t go any further with this blog post. But wait! Last night was a great example of a spontaneous happening that can change everything in a moment.

It was 2am and Mother Amma was giving the last divine hug or darshan. Normally at this point she gets up and goes straight to her room. Not this time. Instead she asked those near her to get the microphone and set up the band for some devotional singing. There were about 500 people in the hall and we all crowded around her. It felt very intimate. She sang two popular bhajans (songs) and by the end of the second one we were in bliss. The energy (divine shakti) was at a peak as we stood up and shouted “Jai” (Yes) in response to Amma’s call “Kali Ma”.

The atmosphere would be like England winning the World Cup after the whistle had been blown at the end of the final. It was a coming together, a celebration of life, a feeling of Oneness that transcends individual differences as we all affirmed our love of life, Amma and each other. There was only love in the room and only love is real.