Saturday 21 March 2009

The Art and Science of Manifestation

I woke up this morning and began to practise lucid dreaming where I'm in between waking and sleeping. I leave my body to experience the astral and casual planes which are associated with the emotional and mental bodies respectively.

My interest at the moment is in conscious creation. I know we create with our thoughts but how does the process work? I'm often surprised by my creations, or lack of them, and realise this is because I am unconsciously thinking unhelpful thoughts which either sabotage my creations or create the opposite of what's intended. I know this because when I meditate I suddenly wake up from my thoughts and think "Oh no, what on earth have I been thinking?" Delete, delete, delete.

This morning I got a glimpse of being on the casual or mental plane/dimension and watched my thought forms in motion. I was an observer to the creation process. It felt good to swim amongst many potential manifestations. If only I could access this higher level of creation on a consistent basis and, just as importantly, ensure they're acted upon in a practical, down to earth way, on a day to day basis.

I read a channelling yesterday which said the time between thinking thoughts and them manifesting is getting shorter. This is a causing a lot of chaos in the world as many fear based creations come to fruition. There is still a safety gap so there is time to change our minds. Sometimes it's exciting to change direction at the last minute – a bit like when driving and taking the left turn instead of the right.

My faith has been buoyed recently as situations I thought were beyond repair are working out. These karmic creations seem outside my control but once I understand the higher purpose I realised why I wrote this particular script. It's helpful not to judge myself because I often don't realise why I've created a particular reality until further down the line. Over the next few days and weeks I'll be looking out for conscious creations I can write about on this blog.

And so it is!