Monday 1 June 2009

Understanding Deja Vu

Have you seen the film called "Deja Vu" with Denzel Washington? In the film a boat gets blown up however the police have the technology to go back in time. The challenge is that once back in time the detective will forget what he's come to do, which is to prevent the explosion. He knows how to do this, but will he remember?

I have had some fascinating insights of my own into Deja Vu through a dream and "real" life. Things are not as they seem. In the dream (or some might call it an alternative reality), on the morning of my 47th Brithday, I was in a room where I had the experience of being in the present and then in the future. It took no time at all for me to get from point on the time line to another. How is this possible?

Einstein stated that time as we experience it isn't necessarily how it is. We experience it as a striaght line - past, present, future. However he said that time is actually a curve. This means it goes back on itself or forward on itself. The curve could be a circle or it could be a spiral or vortex. Imagine if we could jump from one point on the curve to another. What would happen?
And what is the importance of time being a curve rather than a straight line?

A symbol that everyone is familair with is the cross. The hoizontal line represents this dimension or reality. It has a past, present (in the centre or cross) and future. That would be the end of the story if it wasn't for the vertical line. This line represents multiple dimensions - we are far more than we think we are. These other dimensions have different laws, rules and properties. There is no such thing as time in higher dimensions where everything is happening simultaneously. As Eckharte Tolle says there is only this moment. In a state of oneness we transcend time and experience timelessness. All is happening now and it is all ME!! (and YOU and YOU and YOU)

Back to my dream. I was the observer of the dream as well as being in it. So when I found myself in the future I said "Right, I need to remember this experience of being in the future so I'll leave my past self a clue which will jog my memory." In the dream I made a telephone call (a friend likened it to "The Matrix") and explained that this was my future self calling my past self. In other words I was giving myself clues as to the truth. That is deja Vu. I've "already seeen" and experienced this life. Many different possibilities have already been played out - what I'd like to do is remember the highest possible outcome in this reality/dimension. When I come across these clues it makes it much easier. That is what happened in the film and Denzil Washington picked up the final clue just "in time" to prevent the bomb going off.

Last night I went to a Spiritual Group in Manchester. I was talking about an experience from a recent trip to South Africa. Once I'd finished Liz said "I knew you were going to say that." It also happened again later on in the meeting when I was talking about something completely different. Now, of course, she could have been reading my mind or whatever. However my truth is that she was having a "deja vu". A bit like the phone call I made in the dream except that the trigger wasn't a phone call but me sharing a particular story. Bizarre as it may sound this meeting was destined to be, had already happened (from the perspective of being outside time) and there was the wakeup call for Liz. Something deep inside her consciousness or beingness was activated. An inner knowing that things are not as they seem.

I would love to hear your stories of deja vu or any comments you may have.
As One,

1 comment:

nannette rogers kennedy said...

I can SOOOOOOOOOOO relate to what you say here, John. Yesterday I asked my brother about an event he was going to attend later in the day. While he stood right next to me as I asked, the phone rang and it was our neighbor calling to see what time she could pick up my brother.
